Quickpay integration with Event Espresso makes it easy to get started with accepting online payments. Event Espresso is a top-of-the-line event registration and management plugin for WordPress. Event Registration & Ticketing Management Plugin for WordPress. WordPress developers also use Event Espresso as a event registration framework to create customized event registrations for their clients. Visit www.eventespresso.com for more information about the system.
Download Event Espresso Module
Inside the EEG_quickpay_offsite.gateway.php file there are a few filter hooks that can be used to change the order numbers:
ee_quickpay_transaction_order_id_prefix allows for adding a prefix
ee_quickpay_transaction_order_id allows for filtering the order ID
So as an example if you wanted to prefix with abc-, the following code could be added to a functions plugin:
return 'abc-';
The module is developed by Perfect-Solution.dk. If you have questions or error reports, please send a mail to the developer.
Please note, that Perfect-Solution.dk can charge a fee for support, installation etc.
Please note! Use of the integration is at your own risk, and we only provide limited support on installation and usage of the integration.