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Payment methods Integrations Partner program



Quickpay integration with Sylius makes it easy to get started with accepting online payments.

Sylius is a modern web application and can be deployed on the most popular hosting platforms, like Google Cloud, Heroku, Platform.sh and many more. This makes scaling and implementing new features cost you less money & time. Extremely high performance ensured.

Visit www.sylius.com for more information about the system.

Integration med Quickpay

Download Sylius Modul


Installationsguide findes på GitHub.

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Bemærk, at Løvgaard kan tage sig betalt for at yde support, hjælp til installation osv.


Hvis jeres support forespørgsel er mere end vi kan hjælpe med, er du velkommen til at kontakte vores integrationspartnere. Noter jer dog at vore integrationspartnere kan tage sig betalt for deres tid med support, installation etc.


Please note! Use of the integration is at your own risk, and we only provide limited support on installation and usage of the integration.