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Payment methods Integrations Partner program



Quickpay integration with HikaShop makes it easy to get started with accepting online payments. HikaShop is an e-commerce solution for Joomla. Built for simplicity and flexibility. Visit www.hikashop.com for more information about the system.

Integration with Quickpay

Download Hikashop Module

Instalation and setting up the module

  1. Download Hikashop module
  2. Go to Exstension Manager > Upload Package File
  3. Upload the file and install module
  4. Go to Components > HikaShop > Configuration
  5. Go to System > Payment methods
  6. Add new and choose “Hikashop Quickpay Payment Plugin”
  7. Activate and input required information, these can be found in the Quickpay manager under Settings > Integration

You are now ready to accept payments through Quickpay

Installation note

Quickpay requires the order-number to be at least 4 characters long, which it isn’t in HikaShop as default. This can not be changed using the free HikaShop module, but it is possible to get around the problem, using a bit of mysql cleverness.

Status update on order

In order for the status on an order to update correctly when making a capture in the Quickpay manager, a callback url must be set in the Quickpay manager. Log into you account and navigate to Settings > Integration and in the field Callback url type your shopurl followed by:



Please note! Use of the integration is at your own risk, and we only provide limited support on installation and usage of the integration.