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Payment methods Integrations Partner program

Move subscriptions to Quickpay

If you want to switch from another payment gateway to Quickpay, simply send an email to migrations@quickpay.net. To make sure that the migration is only made once, then it is best to make the setup with the new Quickpay account and make the new subscriptions on the new account, to avoid new to be made on the old account meanwhile the migrations is made to the new account.

In the email please write the following information:

Afterwards we will contact your current payment gateway, and make an agreement for exchange of data. We have a good cooperation with all other Danish payment gateways. We exchange data with each other without unnecessary obstacles.

Due to the data being transfered between us and another provider, we can not set a date for the specific case, but to do this as fast as possible. So when you know you will be needing a migration, for a new account, please send us an email in time for us to make the migration with the old gateway. Also if it is month in advance.

PCI certification & GPG public key

Should there be a need to see our PCI certification or our GPG public key, these can be found on https://www.quickpay.net/about-us

Mapping file

Once an import is done, we will generate a mapping file with the ID’s of the imported subscriptions. You will receive a CSV file with the following columns:

transaction_id, old_id(this is the id we get from the former gateway), order_id(this is the id we get from the former gateway), acqurier, aq_status_code, aq_status_msg, cardnum_last4, expiration, original_tid, latest_tid, extras

Extras could be the cardholder name if that is available.

Transaction_id is the id used for the recurring forward on the subscriptions. Old_id and order_id is data provided by the former gateway, for you to identify the customer.

3-D Secure / Strong customer authentication

When we’re importing data, it’s only possible to import data which has 3-D Secure/strong authentication information with, this is known as Original TID and Latest TID. If we receive data where this is not in, we’re not able to import it.

Saved Cards / Tokens

It’s not possible for us to import saved cards / tokens directly, we will have to convert these tokens over so they’re subscriptions.

MobilePay Subscriptions

We are not able to import or export MobilePay Subscriptions.

DIBS/Nets merchants wanting to move to Quickpay

For Nets (former DIBS) customers the process is:

  1. write to support@dibs.dk and ask for a “DIBS-Data-Release-Statement” and let them know you wish to move to Quickpay. Remember to give them you DIBS customer number.

  2. Once you recieve the “DIBS-Data-Release-Statement”, sign it and then send it to us at migrations@quickpay.net. Remember to enclose your casenumber at DIBS. Then we will sign it and return it to DIBS. Then a dialog is started with DIBS to have your data imported safely.

You will also need to enclose your “merchantid” from Quickpay, so we know which account to import it to.

If you wish to change acquirer in connection with the migration, we expressly need to know.

  1. We recieve the data from DIBS directly and import it into your account.

  2. Once imported you will recive a mappingfile, see above for the format.

  3. You will now need to update your system so that your customers subscriptions will match the new transaction-ids at Quickpay.

  4. The migration is then completed and you can then do recurring payments on your subscriptions again.

ePay/Bambora/Worldline merchants wanting to move to Quickpay

For ePay/Bambora/Worldline customers the process is:

  1. write to support@bambora.com and let them know that you wish to move to Quickpay. Remember to give them you epay/Bambora customer number.

  2. Send us an email at [migrations@quickpay.net] (mailto: migrations@quickpay.net) with information about your Quickpay merchant-id and let us know that you have contacted Bambora already.

If you wish to change acquirer in connection with the migration, we expressly need to know.

  1. We recieve the data from Bambora directly and import it into your account.

  2. Once imported you will recive a mappingfile, see above for the format.

  3. You will now need to update your system so that your customers subscriptions will match the new transaction-ids at Quickpay.

  4. The migration is then completed and you can then do recurring payments on your subscriptions again.

Stripe merchants wanting to move to Quickpay

For Stripe customers the process is:

  1. Write to support-migrations@stripe.com and let them know that you wish to move to Quickpay. Remember to give them you Stripe customerid.

They will ask about our PCI-certification. They will find us under the name “Quickpay ApS”. Besides that they will need our public GPG key. They can locate that at https://quickpay.net/about-us.

Read more about requirements from Stripe at https://stripe.com/docs/security/data-migrations/exports.

  1. Send us an email at [migrations@quickpay.net] (mailto: migrations@quickpay.net) with information about your Quickpay merchant-id and let us know that you have contacted Stripe already.

Please inform us about which acquirer you will be using.

  1. You will receive a pgp message from Stripe, which must be forwarded to Quickpay migrations@quickpay.net along with your merchant-ID.

  2. You will now need to update your system so that your customers subscriptions will match the new transaction-ids at Quickpay.

  3. The migration is then completed and you can then do recurring payments on your subscriptions again.

Move away from Quickpay

If you want to move away from Quickpay to another payment provider, you must contact your new supplier, inform them of your merchantid at Quickpay and then ask them to contact us. In their contact with us, your merchantid must appear and they must inform how they want data transferred.

Have them send an email to migrations@quickpay.net

At the same time you should send us an email to migrations@quickpay.net letting us know that we will be contacted by your new supplier, and state that you agree on the fee of 200 EUR for this export-service.

Before we can move the subscriptions, your new gateway needs to:

Next we make an agreement for exchange of data, with the other gateway.

Please note that we will charge you a fee of 200 EUR for this service.


Move to Quickpay

When we make an import of the card data it will be processed as a transaktion and will be billed.

As we do not wish to invite new customers welcome with a large bill, the invoice caused from a large import can be credited. When you receive the invoice after an import feel free to contact us for a credit.

Move from Quickpay

Export of data to a new PSP cost 200 EUR pr export.

Transfer of Acquirer Agreement internally with Quickpay

When migrating from one acquirer to another, the subscription will be recreated at the new acquirer. This will be visible on cardholders bank account.

Send an email to migrations@quickpay.net if you want to migrate subscriptions between acquirers.

We will charge you a fee of 200 EUR for this service, except if the migration is going to Clearhaus.