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Payment methods Integrations Partner program

Saved cards

Saved cards is also known as “card-on-file”, “1-click-payments” or tokenization of cards.

Saved cards can be used, when you want to save your customers card information to make a withdrawal on the card later. You can read more on the technical implementation on Saved cards

How to setup saved cards

As long as your shopsystem or integration uses the saved cards-feature, no further setup through Quickpay is required.

Most acquirers need to activate saved cards/card-on-file on the acquirer agreement. You should always give them a call to make sure this is done.

Acquirers like Swedbank, Bambora, Handelsbanken and Elavon route the payments through Nets, and from there to themselves. The acquirer should contact Nets and have them set it up, so the transactions can go through.

Can we switch acquirer?

Yes, but before you do, you must (as mentioned above) contact your new acquirer and make sure card-on-file is activated. Next you can make a test to make sure it is working, and when it does, we can update your card-on-file registrations, so they now are passed through your new acquirer.