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Get started with Quickpay

It only requires four simple steps to accept payments through Quickpay

Create Quickpay account

It is free to create a Quickpay account and make test payments. You will only start paying when you are ready to accept real payments from your customers.

Click the ‘Sign up’ button at the top of our website to get started if you don’t already have a Quickpay account.

Acquirer agreement

To accept payments through Quickpay you will need an acquirer agreement. The acquirer is the financial institution which processes card data on behalf of the merchant and, among other things, is responsible for moving the money between the cardholder and the merchant. Read more on acquirer-agreement.

On quickpay.net/payment-methods you will find a list of the acquirers that are supported by Quickpay, and a link that shows how to apply for an acquirer agreement.

If you already have an acquirer agreement you can fill in the credentials in the Quickpay Manager.

If you want to apply for an agreement, it is possible to apply for a Clearhaus agreement for Visa and Mastercard directly from the Quickpay Manager.

Integrate with Quickpay

The most used shop systems already have an integration to Quickpay.

On quickpay.net/integrations you can find all the shop systems that have existing integrations for Quickpay.

If you can not find your system on the list, you are always welcome to contact us on support@quickpay.net.

Besides shop systems, it is also possible to make your own integration using Quickpay’s API. Read more about Quickpay’s API in our technical documentation.

Activate Quickpay account

Once you are ready to accept real payments you need to activate your Quickpay account.

This is done by selecting a plan and entering your credit card information in the Quickpay Manager.

If you are ready to activate your account, have a look at this guide.