Your amazing online store is almost ready to take on the world. There are just a few things you need to take care of before you can receive payment from your customers. Make it easy on yourself and read this ultimate beginner’s guide for startups. We can help you set up a complete payment solution that’s lightning fast, requires the least amount of effort from you, and allows your customers to pay with the payment method they prefer.

Happy reading. And PS - if you have any questions, we’re always here to help. We’d rather you ask one too many questions than one too few.

You are always welcome to contact us at .

1. Get ready to accept payments from your customers

Once the webshop solution is configured and ready to be launched, the next step is to ensure that the webshop can accept payments. This is our primary task as a payment gateway. Creating an account with Quickpay is easy, and within minutes your account is ready. We have close partnerships with many webshop solutions, including Shopify, PrestaShop and WooCommerce, so you don’t have to worry about integration, APIs, and all kinds of technicalities. Everything is taken care of in advance. If you’ve coded your webshop, it’s pretty easy to integrate directly into the Quickpay API.

We are here to make it as easy as possible for you to run your business.

Create an account with us.

2. Get a complete payment solution

When you create an account with Quickpay, you automatically get a complete solution that also includes an agreement with the acquirer Clearhaus. You need to have an agreement with a payment gateway, i.e. us, and an acquirer to have a financial transaction verified and the money transferred to your account in a secure way. Quickpay and Clearhaus live under the same roof and are owned by the same company. This makes it easy for us to provide you with a one-stop shop for everything related to payments. If it is important for you to be able to accept Dankort as a means of payment, you should use Nets as an acquirer. You can still use Quickpay as your payment gateway.

It’s smart to have one supplier and one agreement as it eases your burden.

Read about Clearhaus.

3. Understand the difference between a payment gateway and an acquirer

As a payment gateway, Quickpay is the link between your online shop and the many different payment methods available, including all credit cards, digital wallets, buy now-pay later solutions, etc. This means you don’t have to create integrations with VISA, Mastercard, MobilePay, ApplePay, GooglePay, Klarna, etc. We are your gateway, so you can transfer money, no matter how your customer wants to pay.

As an acquirer, Clearhaus handles the transaction between the customer’s bank and your bank. Clearhaus ensures that the transaction is approved, and that the money is transferred to your account. When a customer pays in a webshop, the card details are sent to Clearhaus, which checks with the card issuer (bank or credit card company) to see if there is enough money in the account and if the card is valid. If everything is in order, Clearhaus authorizes the transaction, and the money is withdrawn from the customer’s account and forwarded to your account. Clearhaus also ensures that the transactions are secure and protected against fraud.

In short, Quickpay connects the customers’ means of payment to your webshop, and Clearhaus handles and secures the financial transaction.

Read about the acquiring agreement.

4. How to manage the setup

We’ve made it as easy as possible for you to set up the software solution. Quickpay integrates with the vast majority of shop systems, so you can set it up yourself with just a few clicks. Some people choose to hire an IT consultant to do the setup, which makes sense if you don’t want to spend time on the technical part. An IT consultant can also help check for critical updates or new features from time to time. But these are a few consulting hours for setup and post-checks, not week-long projects.

Here you can see the shop systems that have built-in integration to Quickpay: At If you can’t find your system on the list, you are very welcome to contact us at

If your webshop is coded, you can integrate directly to the Quickpay API. This is also quick to do, but of course requires some IT knowledge. Read more on Quickpay API or in our technical documentation.

It’s easy to get a grip on the technical side of things, even if you don’t have much experience yourself. Plus, you can always contact us for support.

5. Minimize the risk of fraud

As a merchant, you need to assess and investigate payments that arouse suspicion for one reason or another.

Our solution has a so-called ‘Fraud Filter’ that you as a merchant can design yourself. All agreements are created with a set of standard rules for a fraud score. The rules automatically flag payments with a fraud score above 50 as potential fraud. The fraud score is based on various parameters, including amount - both on the transaction itself and the total on the card within 24 hours, number of transactions with the card or IP within a period, card issuing country, and cardholder country. In addition, the transaction is compared to previous transactions flagged by merchants as confirmed fraud.

You should always protect yourself against fraud, although very few webshops experience fraud.

Read more about Fraud Filter.

6. Minimize the risk of downtime

Let’s make it clear: Quickpay’s downtime is virtually non-existent. Our IT infrastructure is as solid as it gets, so neither you nor your customers need to worry if one of our servers is down. We always have three other servers to take over. We also have network connections with multiple operators, so if one operator’s network is down, it doesn’t affect a payment situation.

If you use Nets as an acquirer and something happens in Nets’ IT infrastructure, we will notify you as soon as possible.

We have redundancy on everything - and of course, we have redundancy to ensure that if something breaks down somewhere and can affect our service to you, at worst you will only experience a few seconds longer response times. This applies to both Quickpay and Clearhaus.